So I googled to see who Barry Kirky was
Barry kirkys problem is that he has aspergers syndrome you can see all the classic sighs and symptoms of aspergers in this so called interview video . warning this is really annoying to watch It will give you a clue as to why men with aspergers tend not to have friends
in this video you can see the following .
1 look at his head how he constantly turns away to avoid eye contact with the interviewer he clearly is not doing this or for comedy effect it is a subconscious thing you can see it both in his weird Goldman routine and when he talks to the so called interviewer ( its more of a high speed monolog than an interview ) he is avoiding eye contact is a classic symptom of aspergers as well he admits to avoiding eye contact with women .
2 his speech is unusual fast jerky and loud a classic aspergers sign also notice the long
disconnected monolog in both the gold man bit ( not funny by the way Barry it was just weird and annoying ) and when he is interviewed even if Barry says this was a comedy bit. This is not how normal comedians would address an audience he is talking to fast .( just being loud and annoying ) If most people where watching this on tv they would change the station.
speech may be unusually fast, jerky or loud. Speech may convey a sense of incoherence; the conversational style often includes monologues about topics that bore the listener, fails to provide context for comments, or fails to suppress internal thoughts. Individuals with AS may fail to monitor whether the listener is interested or engaged in the conversation. The speaker's conclusion or point may never be made, and attempts by the listener to elaborate on the speech's content or logic, or to shift to related topics, are often unsuccessful.[7]
Some sugestions for Barry from a fellow aspi sufferer
This is not to be funny Barry if your reading this here is some help for you . Try using st johns wort you can get it in health food stores . It will help calm you down also try this hypnosis download
I also understand cognitive behavior therapy can help
Get a dog it will help you with socialization though not perfect a dog can help
I hope that helps Barry you can lead a normal life its just is going to take some effort . .
He's ripping off a character called "goldar" made by Kenny from the T.V. show Kenny vs Spenny. Proudly filmed here in Canada. Barry is probably a fan of the show and stole the character cuz the guy ain't very creative.
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Oh God.
Whenever I think Barry Kirkey can't get possibly any more pathetic he easily manages to put me right.
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I should have put a warning about gross content or whatever do not read this next line or watch the video if you are eating .
stop reading here if you are eating do not watch the video _______________________________________________________
Barry talks about peeing into a little pot and drinking his own pee gross . I was wondering did Jen put him up to it is he some sort of weird masochist with a public humiliation fetish ???
Inappropriate subjects are another sigh of aspergers but it looks like Barry. Has a more saver case of apergers than me . As I know enough to know that a man talking to another man about swallowing his own pee .Even when joking or playing a character as a joke. Is not only pure girl repellent but will repulse and repel most people .
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Wow barry is even more uncreative then I thought.
Please I would love more examples of him ripping people of.
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He's probably ripped off a ton of stuff...I wasn't a fan of Barry's show (into the whole anti-pua thing back then) so I couldn't give you any more examples.
I just saw that and immediately recognized Barry was ripping off Kenny vs Spenny.